Thursday, October 31, 2013

Inexpensive, inexpensive

Discounts in cinema tickets offered throughout Spain a few days ago provided plenty of pages of coverage to newspapers. We chose the one offered by El Correo: a big picture, simple but clear graphics and a text full of sources which helps readers reach their own conclusions.
The day after, we saw a very similar coverage in El Periódico:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Being up-to-date

We are big fans of the “tendencias” (“trends”) section from La Vanguardia. Almost every day it offers opportune and well-narrated facts that are thought to help the readers. Here are some recent ones:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What every topic needs

Every topic, whether it´s evident or not, needs two key elements in order to tell the readers about it: facts and people. We are going to show two good examples. The first one is from La Verdad and approaches a well-known topic (kids addicted to screens). The second one, from La Rioja, uncovers the problems faced by university graduates trying to find a job

Monday, October 28, 2013

Diario de las Américas

We feature today some pages from the newspaper Diario de las Américas, which was recently redesigned. The outstanding designer Iker Barinaga arrived at this newspaper just a few months ago right after leaving his seal in La Verdad newspaper (Murcia).

Friday, October 25, 2013

Where everything happens

 We are referring, obviously, to the streets. More than once we have written that cities are like living beings. There are always things happening and it´s good for newspapers to pay attention in order to discover and feature them.  We are going to see many recent examples. The first one, from El Norte de Castilla:

This is from  La Verdad:

The third one, from Diario de Navarra:

These are from La Vanguardia:

And the last one, from  El Periódico:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Invitation to read

…And doing it from the front-page with good stories. These days we have seen a lot in Spanish newspapers. We are going to give, as examples, one from La Verdad and three from Diario de Burgos. But, above all, examples from La Rioja, maybe the newspaper that bets the most for this strategy for good journalism.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It cannot happen again

We liked the facts published by El Correo about the GAL´s anniversary. Design and theme go hand in hand. Complete information. Text to read with appropriate text-boxes. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Just a few weeks ago, Las Provincias newspaper, from which we usually feature pages, won one of the ÑH “big prizes”: the prize to the newspaper with the best journalistic design in Spain and Portugal. Congratulations to the editorial department. To celebrate it, we are going to show some of its recent pages:

Monday, October 21, 2013

El Comercio

Monday. We continue with the idea of showing Latin-American newspapers. Today we focus on El Comercio (Quito, Equator). A solid newspaper that offers every day pages of good journalism in all its sections and supplements. We are going to see a gallery of recent pages and the front page from a supplement which is not very common in Spain, but that is established in many countries: “Super Pandilla”, for kids.