Thursday, December 4, 2014

Paco Ibañez

The great folk singer turned 80 years old the 20th of November. El Periódico congratulated him. The newspaper gave the readers 80 words that describe an entire life dedicated to culture. Great job from Jordi Bianciotto.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ruins in the Way of Saint James

Medina del Campo. Simón Ruiz Hospital. Built in the XVII Century. It´s derelict and falling to pieces, but many years ago it was an important building in the city and relevant to all the pilgrims that were travelling from the south of the country to Santiago. Citizens want to restore the chapel. We read the story in El Norte de Castilla:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A trip to Burundi

The newspaper that publishes the most, and the best, about Africa is, probably, La Vanguardia. Recently,  Rosa Mª Bosch and Alex García travelled to the "most starving" country in the world. These are the five feature articles they have published:

Friday, November 28, 2014

Good sources to impress

When we say "good sources" in this entry we talk about those that give good visual materials that help good information show off. In this sense,a book or an exhibition are good sources. Lets see examples from El Mundo (the first one we feature also has an excellent interactive infographics; the second one lets you "play" until you reach the page) and from El Periódico

Thursday, November 27, 2014

EGB mission

In  Las Provincias, we usually feature it,they do more than good journalism . Not only information and design usually walk and in hand, but also they produce a "making of" some of their pages. Not always, and mostly in private, but they do it.  And these "making of documentaries" are as interesting as the pages they design. We show today another example:

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

In Barcelona´s streets

Today we feature five excellent examples from El Periódico. They are excellent because the themes are good, they are well-addressed and because the put into page is perfect.

Corruption in Galicia

Stories about corruption can be read in many newspapers. Today we want to show some we´ve read in  La Voz de Galicia. There´s day-to-day information —national and local—, but they always step forward.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Bartolomé and Marcos

Two stories about studying. We´ve read in Heraldo the story of Barlomé, a 93-year-old university student. Marcos is a hearing impaired student and we´ve read his story in La Voz de Galicia. We´ve always thought that the journalism that narrates stories about values is a better journalism.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Great investment

We finish the week with infographics. We´ve saved a good number of examples from various newspapers: El CorreoEl PeriódicoLa Voz de GaliciaLas Provincias and La Vanguardia

Short after preparing this entry, Borja Ventura published in Yorokobu an excellent article titled... "I´m Spanish, What do you want me to infograph?". It´s worth reading. We also recommend to read, calmly, this recent interview with one of the best Spanish, infographics designer, Jaime Serra.