Friday, January 31, 2014

The perfect wave

The 6th of January, a wave brought tragedy to a Galician family. We have followed the excellent coverage from La Voz de Galicia: the facts, the protagonists, the experts…

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A trip through 174 villages

An interesting series, the one that began a few days ago in La Rioja. It is because of what it entails –going throughout all the Community´s townships- and also for that wink to the past: the long trip was also made 30 years ago. Justo Rodríguez, images, and Pío García, texts, are the ones who head this endeavor.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Following the wild goat

Yesterday we saw how two journalists “wore out shoe soles” in a big motorcycle gathering. In this post we show how Antonio Armero, from Hoy, also did so. He accompanied one of the guards from La Sierra´s Regional Hunting Reserve for nine hours. Outstanding report. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Journalists and motorcycle riders

Antonio G. Encinas, from El Norte de Castilla, has written to us: “I´m sending you the work from the photographer Gabriel Villamil, my colleague, with whom I go every year to cover the motorcycle gathering “Pingüinos” (“Penguins”). It is a meeting that brings together around 25000 registered motorcycle riders, during January´s second week-end. It is the most important winter gathering in Europe.  The newspaper dedicates to this event a huge amount of pages and a special feature at its website. This year, for example, 23 pages during the 4 days that the Penguins´ gathering lasts, with special intensity in the Saturday (7) and Sunday (8) publications. Between the two of us we cover everything that happens in the pine forest, exhibitions, people registered, stories, anecdotes… And he contributes each year with a section, on Saturday and Sunday, that we call `Zoom´. It is the most graphic way to narrate a story. And he does it by trudging up and down the pine woods, getting the results that differentiate us from the others and that give the coverage a unique shade”. Here we show some pages from the latest editions: 

Monday, January 27, 2014

A jewel of journalism

Today´s post is a very special one. We are not going to show recent pages, and it is in English. A few days ago we discovered a marvelous supplement that The Washington Post published in 1951. It is titled “The Story Behind the Story”. The theme: journalism. Its way of telling, outstanding. Comics always hook you. It´s worth cutting the last cartoon off and putting it on our desk. 

Friday, January 24, 2014


We have read an outstanding report in El Correo. The intimacy of an operating room. One doctor sums it up perfectly: “We work with technology from NASA, but we are hospitals made up of blood, sweat and tears”

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Good customs

Those from La Verdad. It´s one of the newspapers that takes most seriously the end of a year and the beginning of the next one. Another year, it has looked forwards and has addressed 2014´s challenges in various reports:

A look back to the year that has gone is added to these reports. Focused on people and pampering the photography. We offer a selection of pages:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Grandparents to fear

When it´s said that we all have a story, a truth is said. And when the protagonists accumulate many years, well… We have enjoyed this very complete report from the V´s supplement. The formula for good journalism is sometimes as simple as this: when people are added to facts, the reading audience is guaranteed.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to give plenty of facts

Journalists usually have pieces of information in which facts are the essence. Thinking about how to offer those facts in the most efficient way becomes the work´s essence. We think this example from El Periódico is excellent: a very simple map allows for the presentation of all the relevant facts in a very clear way.