Thursday, July 31, 2014

Analysis about the "bous"

Many towns from the Valencia Region, during their festivals, hold a tradition called "bous". In recent years this tradition has caused hundrends of injured people and six deaths.  Las Provincias has dedicated some pages to think about it. Is it necessary to regulate this bull tradition?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Very complete double-page

Great information in El Diario Vasco. Appropriate theme for the summer. There´s information, accident prevention, general facts, an infographics and there is also a self-improvement story.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It´s happening

It´s one of the main roles a newspaper has: telling the readers those things that are happening in the cities. Some go unnoticed, others are seen by all. The newspaper must be on the lookout, because some things affect many people and others talk about trends. They are recent and we read them in El Periódico.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Four anniversaries

We liked them a lot. They are very different, but all have good information. The first one is from El Correo Gallego and the other three are from  La Vanguardia. To read, and to enjoy the worked graphics


Friday, July 25, 2014

In the border

The title fits perfeclty: "Kids in pursuit of a dream". This report published by La Vanguardia,  is one of those to read slowly and carefully. Written by Elisabet Sabartés

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The best front-pages from the World Cup

This entry was born in twitter. A few days ago I asked my followers, most of them journalists, to tel me which was for them the #bestworldcupfrontpage. First of all, Brazil has won this little "world cup" without many effort. Almost all followers have chosen front-pages from newspapers from this country. The best one? We had kind of a "fight". Two front-pages have carried out an amazing duel, but, finally, the winner is...

It´s the front-page that narrates the Brazil 1- Germany 7. And it says: "CONGRATULATIONS to the runners-up from 1950, that were always accused of causing the worst humiliation from Brazilian soccer. Yesterday we really knew what an humiliation is". The second most voted front-page is also from the "black day" in Brazilian´s soccer. It was published by Metro. The match was over, the stadium was empty and, at the end, iluminated, the scoreboard.

The third most voted front-page is also from Brazil. It was published by Lance. Another approach to the defeat. White takes over black to let the reader write, to let every reader... make its own front-page.

The fourth front-page... also from Brazil. The novelty is that it makes no reference to the historical 7-1. This is how Correio Braziliense narrated Neymar´s injury:

Spain´s elimination is responsible for the fifth most voted front-page. It´s from Marca:

To the ones interested in seeing gret front-pages from the World Cup, I recommend this great entry from  Paper Papers and this other we published a few days ago in this blog.

200 years later

We have seen in La Verdad a couple of good examples. In the first one, experts give ideas to improve Spain´s and Murcia´s situation; the second example analyzes a tapestry´s main characteristics. Good and clear ways of telling.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Alternative tourism

Tourism isn´t only the seaside. Although, sadly, the person that moves away from the sand has less prestige than the one that stays close to the swimsuit and the umbrella. We have seen a great analysis in Las Provincias.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Blood telephones

Going to the place where an event happened. Filling up the notebook with stories and notes. Taking dozens of images. Organizing everything... and write. That´s what Iván Benítez has done. We have read it, slowly and carefully, in Diario de Navarra.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Maillots made of crystal

Another excellent example of "day after". After the death of several cyclists in the road, El Correo went out with a group of them, talked and felt the risk...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Subway´s assault

Barcelona. Racist aggression in the subway. Images about the event. A story that gains relevance thanks to the social networks. El Periódico addresses the event and focuses on it the following days.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Three cyclists

Nice prior coverage the one we have read in  El Correo. Days before the Tour begins, the newspaper honors the cyclists who died in the I World War. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Show it

Having one good photo is better than having several ones. This great journalistic advice has its exceptions. For example, a sequence thats shows an event´s development. Or, for example, many little pictures that demonstrate a "theory". We have seen this last case in El Diario Vasco.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Karim´s story

We like to find good stories in newspapers, stories to read. Like Karim´s one. Tissue paper seller, clown. And now, after many years, he is a Journalist again. It was published by El Periódico.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

To the editorial office, on a motorcycle

We have seen many pages in which the interviewee goes to the editorial department. The last ones, in  Diario de Noticias de Álava. The "guest" was Jordi Tarrés, seven times Trials World Champion. The article reviews the great professional career from this Trials´ legend. And it has a "plus": Tarrés accepted the challenge set out by the newspaper. To access the editorial department with the motorcycle he used to win his first World Championship in 1987. The champion accomplished the challenge by far. Anyway, he admited that some stretches "could definitely count towards in a World Championship"

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A drop of blood

Simple but extraordinary page from El Correo. The story of how, three years later, a murderer  was arrested. Good text and fantastic chart about the process.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Always have to go back

We have shown many "day after" examples. Today´s one is similar, but it would be more correct to tag it as "a year after". We think is a wise choice for newspapers to go back to places where relevant events took place. To see how things have changed, to talk again with people. We can see it in this example from El Periódico