Thursday, August 28, 2014

I´m looking at you

A new example of how to approach, with guaranteed success, an anniversary. We´ve seen it in a Vanguardia. Outstanding an original infographics.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bikes are for...

Some features smell like summer, but that doesn´t mean they are fluff reports. These days we find many that are worth reading. Like this one from Las Provincias. The theme is good and there are stories.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Where people are (3)

On the internet, in social networks... a lot of things happen. For a newspaper, we have said it before, they have become interesting sources of information. For example, to know where citizens are, what they do, what interests them the most, what they support, what they condemn... In Heraldo we have seen a good report about it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Where people are (2)

Any follower of the blog who has children can claim it: his kids dedicate long hours to the relationship they maintain with youtube. El Periódico approaches the theme. Complete information with people, facts...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Where people are (1)

Simple but convenient comparison in Heraldo. The two pictures speak for themselves. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ten years already

The title makes reference to the first tourney won by Rafa Nadal. It was the 15th of August, 2004.  El Mundo is aware of the anniversary and offers a complete double-page, with plenty of sources and an excellent infographics.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Seagulls vs. flamingos

The Ebro´s mouth is living a... mortal competition. La Vanguardia explains it perfectly 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Two privileges

Some newspapers tend to languish during July and August. On the other hand, others bet on offering texts to read. These days, in Heraldo we can find excellent texts. In International, Gervasio Sánchez champions the series "Europe in wars"; in the summer pages,  Antón Castro signs biographies "in broad daylight". What we´ve said, two privileges.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The story... and more

Every newspaper reported the death of the priest Miguel Pajares. But some took a step forward. In addition to the story, that day they provided a local approach. Diario Vasco talked with members from his community, Las Provincias with a Valencian nun that is going back to Africa, Ideal with a friend of the late missionary, Diario de Navarra with a doctor...

Friday, August 15, 2014

What we need to know

We like to find pages like these from Heraldo. Facing facts that begin to mess up, the Journalist —in this case, José Miguel Tafalla— takes time to think about it and to expose the key points. These ideas can be narrated using items or, like in this example, by using the effective formula of questions and answers.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Consumption improves

Good journalism in based on facts. Statements gain strength when are based on facts. In Diario de Navarra we have seen a good example.The result of getting dozens of facts,which are presented in a very clear way, is the idea given in the title.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Essential illustrations

This entry is... an illustration´s defense. A newspaper improves so much when we see good illustrations on its pages... El Diario Vasco has approached a good theme. Information is excellent, and its put into page very beautiful thanks to Bárbara Sarrionandía

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It´s not magic, just thinking about

It´s always a pleasure to find pages in which desing walks hand in hand with information. The visual wink made by Las Provincias it´s a good example. It´s not magic or a chance result. It´s what happens when you take more time to think about the information´s put into page.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Terraces in Barcelona

Excellent coverage in El Periódico as a result of a piece of information: 56% of the nightstands from bars and restaurants in Barcelona fail to complete the regulations. Great information and an excellent way of telling.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Ebola virus, protagonist

The presence of the Ebola virus in Spanish newspapers has increased as a result of the missionary Miguel Pajares´ contagion. Recently, we have seen a complete "of the day" information in El Mundo: the prist speaks, there´s information, good graphics, supporting news...

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tomatera the cow

We have seen an excellent case of follow-up work in Diario de Navarra. In one of the many running of the bulls that are celebrated in the popular festival from a town in Navarre, a cow escapes and... the picture (from Blanca Aldanondo) reaches the front-page:

The day after, we find again the picture, but this time in the back page. The newspaper has located a dozen of the protagonists, that narrate what they felt in that moment:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A piece of news, a story

Many times a piece of news can give way to narrate a story related, somehow, with it. La Vanguardia took advantage of the match played by Barcelona in Nice to remember part of one of its most distinguished players´ life: Samitier.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Striking map

Using hot news to evaluate. That´s what El Periódico has done. Gathering information in order to confirm, for example, that during 2012 more than 100.000 Christians were murdered in the world.