Tuesday, September 30, 2014

One or four thousand

It´s important to be there, and, like in this case, to "follow" our people. To be with our protagonist or with our citizens. Diario de Navarra went with a local motorcycle driver to Motorland. Seven months injured. Meeting again with his team mates. The newspaper also went to Madrid in order to be with more than four thousand people from Navarre who attended the beatification of Álvaro del Portillo.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Joe Sacco

It´s not the first time we feature examples of telling through cartoons. Today´s example is a smart one. La Vanguardia´s cultural supplement  interviews Joe Sacco, who is specialized in publishing graphic novels. The supplement publishes the conversation... in the form of a comic.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Better if it´s seen

Many times the reader needs to "see" the essence of information. If it was only narrated through the text, we would miss the story´s soul. These three examples from  El Correo and La Vanguardia are excellent. We can see the design of a new town square. We can see the face of a pedophile wanted by the police. We can see how to do some excercises. Outstanding.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Photos and Ricardo

For years  El País  has remained faithful to a great tradition: when a person considered important by the newspaper dies, an excellent black and white picture of the deceased is offered in the front-page. This year, for example, we´ve seen various:

El Mundo has started another tradition with great results: one of its main draftsmen, Ricardo, draws a picture of the deceased for the front-page. We have seen three front-pages so far this year:

Ricardo´s drawings aren´t only to remember those who pass away. Also, we have seen his mastery in magazines, like in this recent case:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Welcome aboard Oasis of the Seas

It´s a cruise ship, it weighs 225.000 metric tons, it has 2.165 crew members and it can host 6.296 passengers. A few days ago, the Oasis of the Seas stopped in the port of Barcelona. El Periódico  and  La Vanguardia were "aware" of it, and they informed various days about the ship. Also with excellent infographics.

Before arriving in Barcelona, it stopped in Málaga. Sur also informed about the cruise ship.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Ebola´s zero zone

Another series to read. Written by Alberto Rojas for El Mundo newspaper. To inform on site. Excellent pictures and crafted design

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Always together

We are referring, once again, to the theme and the put into page. To see them together is always a pleasure. There´s a thinking work. There´s creativity. There´s elegance. It is good journalism. Two recent examples from Las Provincias and Diario de Burgos.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

11 of September, 1714

300 years ago, Barcelona, after several months of siege, surrendered at Bourbon troops. La Vanguardia and El Periódico have published two excellent infographics that remember how the siege was.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

To end a story

These two pages from Diario de Burgos  have two great virtues. One is to publish a story "from the streets". The other virtue, to narrate "the end"of the story. Sometimes doing good journalism is so simple...

Monday, September 15, 2014

Pampering a symbol

Gernika´s tree is 28 years old and Kepa Txaterina takes care of it. Excellent information in El Correo.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Facts to draw conclusions

To explain with facts. To conclude with facts. Analysis instead of common places. Rigour. Newspapers bet, more and more, on pages based on facts they receive or obtain. Pages different on their ways of telling. We feature four examples from Las Provincias and from La Vanguardia

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rowing and rowing

Not wanting to, this week is being a sports one. The examples we feature today are from El Diario Vasco —an excellent, complete, prior coverage of a crucial regatta. Information, analysis, a good picture and protagonists— and from Sur: good day after coverage approaching the practice of badminton in Málaga.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

San Miguel de Aralar

Last week, Spanish cycling race La Vuelta arrived at San Miguel de Aralar. Diario de Navarra  published three short supplements to "prepare" the event. We show here some pages: