Thursday, December 4, 2014

Paco Ibañez

The great folk singer turned 80 years old the 20th of November. El Periódico congratulated him. The newspaper gave the readers 80 words that describe an entire life dedicated to culture. Great job from Jordi Bianciotto.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ruins in the Way of Saint James

Medina del Campo. Simón Ruiz Hospital. Built in the XVII Century. It´s derelict and falling to pieces, but many years ago it was an important building in the city and relevant to all the pilgrims that were travelling from the south of the country to Santiago. Citizens want to restore the chapel. We read the story in El Norte de Castilla:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A trip to Burundi

The newspaper that publishes the most, and the best, about Africa is, probably, La Vanguardia. Recently,  Rosa Mª Bosch and Alex García travelled to the "most starving" country in the world. These are the five feature articles they have published: