Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sandwich and beer

Every day we read La Vanguardia and  El Periódico. They stand out for many reasons, but there is one that really attracts us: they are aware of what happens "in the street", trends. To publish in a big city has that advantage... if you know how to make the most of it. We feature some examples:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

So it doesn´t leak

First step: to find something interesting. Usually, thanks to reports, interesting things are based on big data. We must know how to work with them and show them. If we do it, we are doing good journalism. But... sometimes  good facts give coldness, they make interesting things less attractive. That´s were people come in. To tell stories, to show faces. We´ve seen various examples in Las Provincias:  

Monday, February 2, 2015

To drag a "monster"

When facts are just an starting point, and the newspaper takes a step forward, it´s when news improve. We feature two examples. The first one, from El Periódico, not only narrates Etoo´s signing up by Sampdoria, but also provides a ranking with the soccer players that have played in more teams, focusing on the Spaniard that has played in more teams. The second example, from La Vanguardia, uses the premiere of the film Wild ("Alma salvaje") to tell the adventure of the woman that inspired the movie.

Monday, January 12, 2015

L´Equipe measured up

What happened in France has grab the world´s attention. Today we want to focus on the sports newspaper L'Equipe. When what really matters, what unites a country, and what brings people together isn´t sports, a sports newspaper measures up. And not just one day. A "master" newspaper.