Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The young girl, Lucía

A beautiful example. Great local journalism: being aware of events occurring to people from the region. Las Provincias featured in its front-page the chance encounter between Pope Francis and Lucía, a blind girl:

Monday, December 23, 2013

Still no news about Hodei

We closed the week with two posts in which we featured the follow-up work of two events. We begin this week with the story of the disappearance of a young Basque in Holland. We have followed it in El Correo. The story isn´t closed because Hodei is still missing. We think this is an outstanding example of follow-up work, with the added difficulty of informing about events that happen in another conutry.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Detainees (2)

Again, another event with outstanding follow-up work. It´s from La Voz de Galicia. Facts like this, when they are well approached, hook the reader who looks for more news about it the next day…

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Detainees (1)

The 2ⁿᵈ of October strangers put a home-made bomb in the basilica of El Pilar (Zaragoza, Spain). It was one of the biggest news stories of the year. We followed it in Heraldo de Aragón:

About a month after, the theme reappeared on the first pages when the suspects were arrested. Good follow-up work:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Well approached culture

If a few years ago sports pages were the ones to get the “prize” for the most visually attractive, today they have a strong competitor: Cultural information is approached better and better in the newspapers. Interesting points of view, well approached, accompanied with well-designed pages. We are going to show two examples. In the first one, from Diario de Burgos, various local painters are responsible for reviewing a big exhibition. In the second one, from Las Provincias, the key points about the cathedral´s restoration are narrated in a very complete and efficient way.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Armada´s refuge

General Alfonso Armada, one of the main protagonists of the 23-February attempted coup d'état, died a few days ago. We read in El Correo an excellent report that shows another "side" of the General:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thinking about citizens

Two new examples of resorting to comparisons. They are from El Periódico and El Correo. Very complete. Some themes, dealt with in this manner, are interesting and help the reader.

Citizens are also helped when, in specific themes, service information is added to facts, resulting even more efficient when a simple graph is used. The example is from Diario de Navarra: