Friday, December 13, 2013

Short stories in lead

One of those “essential” books is presented in Pamplona today. The title: “short stories in lead”. The book narrates the history of terrorism in Navarra between 1960 and 1986. There will be a second volume for this book written by various journalists. Javier Marrodán has headed the team also formed by Gonzalo Araluce, Rocío García de Leániz and María Jiménez. I´ve had the chance to read a fistful of its pages, it´s pure journalism: rigorous facts, powerful stories, the strength of its interviews, the writing, it´s rhythm…

We wanted to begin today´s post like this because we are going to show two examples of topics in which the victims are the protagonists. In the first one, from Las Provincias, the essence is in the words; in the second one, from El Correo, facts do the speaking.

We close as we opened, because Diario de Navarra offered three excellent examples of prior-coverage before the presentation of the book: 

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