Monday, March 31, 2014

Gold for Adolfo Arranz

We don´t usually show in this blog examples in English. But we thought we had to show this outstanding graphic. It was published by South China Morning Post and its author is Adolfo ArranzLast Friday he won a gold medal in the 22nd edition of Malofiej Awards.

And now that we are talking about Malofiej, the international jury gave the graphic "State Gun Laws Enacted in Year Since Newtown", published by The New York Times, the biggest prize, the Peter Sullivan Award:

Friday, March 28, 2014

Also the closest

Sometimes we think that "large" newspapers forget about the information which is closest to their readers. Almost all of those newspapers have pages in which very local themes are approached. We show today the case of El Periódico and its section "Districts". There are topics, stories, people, small sections... Well-developed pages.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Strategies to tell

Every story can be approached in many different ways. When the reader notices that there is a journalist that has thought about it and the design well-accompanies the text, mission archieved. We think that these two examples from El Mundo are interesting. The first one, to bet on the "test" highlights the topic. In the second one, the effort to stop and think about some key-words makes the message efficent. We saw a similar case in El Periódico.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

More than ever

We have read in La Voz de Galicia three interesting themes, based on facts, with great analysis and with protagonists.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Being on top of the facts

Being on top of the facts helps to focus and plan information. We have seen an excellent example in El Periódico. Messi as the protagonist, about to face a match, and the posibility of becoming the biggest scorer in Barcelona´s history. He made it and this was featured. It was also a very special "day after"

Monday, March 24, 2014

All for one

A few days ago, many neighbors from Murcia linked the region´s railway future to the word “underground”. La Verdad dedicated plenty of pages to this popular clamor:

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Malofiej week

This post is an aperitif, because next week FCOM holds, one more year, “the Malofiej”. Its workshops, its conference, its awards….Today we show some we have found these past weeks in Spanish newspapers. They are from El CorreoLa VanguardiaEl Mundo, ABCLa Voz de GaliciaAs, Marca... We have tried to bet on variety.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Neighbourhood´s requests

Streets and telephone. Those two words have marked the professional activity of thousands of journalists  throughout history. In this blog we usually show a lot of examples “from the streets”. Today there is one, from La Voz de Galicia in which the key point is “using the phone”. Dozens of calls until completing the chart.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Under the sea

Discovering for the reader what is unseen. More than once we have seen reports that don´t show what happens "behind the curtain". In this one, from La Verdad, we are invited on a journey under the sea. Good theme and clarity in the way of telling.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In my city

Newspapers continue showing what happens in the streets. Trends. Pages that can inspire, because maybe in other cities the same things are happening. These examples are from El PeriódicoEl CorreoLas Provincias and Heraldo