Friday, October 31, 2014

Telling the story in one page

We now this blog has its shortcomings, that many times we are unfair. We could pinpoint those gaps, but today we are focusing on one. Plenty of the examples we show are stories published as double-pages. It looks like good journalism implies it. But that´s not true. There are excellent cases of really good pieces of information that are told in one page. Stories that, of course, are (also) visually attractive .We´ve been keeping some examples these days. They are from several newspapers: IdealABCEl MundoLa VanguardiaEl Diario VascoEl PeriódicoLas Provincias and La Rioja.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Laovo Cande died on a raft full of immigrants

This story attracted our attention —for its strenght, and for the involvement of a journalist in a support project that is giving good results but it needs help— and was published a few days ago in La Vanguardia

Laovo Cande died in 2006 on a raft full of immigrants. He was from Guinea-Bissau and he aimed to reach the Canary Islands. Two journalists from the newspaper  (José Bejarano and Emilio Castro) went to his hometown and wrote a series of five outstanding features that we now recover.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

On site

From the informative perspective, these pasta weeks have been intense due to the Ebola´s outbreak. The center of attention has been the closest case —thank God, Teresa Romero is recovered—, but  we´ve also discoverd stories that set Africa closer. The journalist from Navarra Gonzalo Araluce has been in Sierra Leone. We´ve read his articles in El Confidencial. And last Sunday he published an extensive feature in Diario de Navarra. Another feature was published together with Gonzalo´s experience: a visual feature about the 47 steps required to put on and take off the protective clothing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Those of us who are in social networks check, from time to time, how many people follow us. We might even feel important. The boast lasts until you come across... "the king of youtube". We loved this large feature published by El Periódico about Rubén Doblas. If the blog´s followers have teenage children, they know... Today we´ll beat, by far, the usual number of blog visitors.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lázaro´s smile

We start the week properly: showing stories. We are living a good period in newspapers, it´s worth saying it. The stories we are featuring have different approaches. Regional newspapers from Vocento focused on telling, in depth, the miraculous recovery of Lázaro, who had an operation for his cerebral palsy three years ago. In Las Provincias we read small stories about volunteers and, great theme, about survivors. Diario de Burgos  recovered the story of Amando López, a Jesuit murdered 25 years ago in El Salvador.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Little stories?

We are pleased to find these pages in newspapers. We know they mean a great effort. Maybe some people don´t see excellent opportunities in these stories, maybe they think it means to bet on something small, insignificant. Today we pay tribute —through Diario de Navarra and Santiago Zuza— to all those journalist that explore soccer minor leagues and, every week, give us outstanding pages.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Committed newspaper

The newspaper is Ara. And its commitment is to support the fight against alzheimer. A few days ago we featured the front-page; today, we add great part of the published pages.With the added value that some advertisers also joined the initiative from Fundació Pasqual Maragall