Monday, October 6, 2014

ÑH Awards, 11th Edition

On Friday evening, the organizer of the ÑH Awards —The best of journalistic design from Spain and Portugal—  announced the winners of the eleventh edition. This entry shows the most relevant ones. (The list with all the winners in paper and online categories can be checked at The award ceremony will be the 14th of November in Madrid.

Best front-page of the year at the newspaper category: Publico

Best front-page of the year at the magazine category: ES (La Vanguardia).

Best designed large newspaper: Publico. Finalist: El Correo.

Best designed medium-sized newspaper: Diario de Noticias. Finalist: Ara.

Best designed small newspaper: El Decano Deportivo. Finalist: Jornal de Leiria.

Best designed magazine: Esquire. Finalist: Magazine (El Mundo).

Lets go with the Gold medals.

Gold for the redesigns submitted by Diario de Noticias and O Jogo

Newspaper inside pages. Two golds for Las Provincias.

Informative coverages at newspapers. Gold for El Diario Vasco for "temporal" ("Rough weather") and gold for Las Provincias for "Cierre de Canal 9" ("Channel 9´s closing down"). We show some front-pages.

Photography. Breaking-news at newspapers. Gold for El Diario Montañés for "Salimos del infierno" ("We leave hell") and gold for El Mundo for "Relevo en la Monarquía" ("Monarchy´s replacement", by Carlos García Pozo).

Infographics. Breaking-news at newspapers. Gold for El Correo for "Brote de ébola" ("Ebola´s outbreak")

Infographics. Newspaper features. El Correo won two gold medals for "Fuego en los labios" ("Fire in the lips") and "Un día en el Tour" ("A day at the Tour"); Gold for La Vanguardia for "La ventana indiscreta" ("Indiscreet window"). Also, both newspapers won gold medals in the portfolio category.

Illustration. Portfolio. Gold for the illustrators Helder Oliveira (Expresso) and Ricardo Martínez (El Mundo). 

Illustration. Gold medal for Ricardo Martínez for:

Magazines. Front-pages. Metrópoli, a gold for "Una camioneta de cinco tenedores" (" A five forks van"). ES, one for "¿Dónde hay trabajo" ("Where are the jobs?") and Forbes, a gold for "Adolfo Suárez":

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