Monday, November 10, 2014

43 murdereds in the front-page

This week-end the forceful front-pages from various Mexican newspapers made an impact on the country. They reflected the murder of the 43 missing students. We highlight those that put the names and pictures of the deceased students:

It´s not the first time a newspaper honors on its front-page all the deaceased. We recall, for example, the one from Diario de Navarra and another one from Público (a newspaper that no longer exists) after ETA announced its disarmament:
We show other examples in which newspapers have bet on remembering on their front-pages the deceased, no matter how many of them:
Just a detail to finish with. The murders in Mexico made the sports newspaper Récord forget about its essence, that day, and report the massacre. It´s not the first time a sports newspaper tuns to terrible hot news. A few years ago, for example, Marca  dedicated its front-page to the 11th of March

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