Friday, November 8, 2013

Página 2

“There are many newspapers that attempt to launch the day´s stories with an opinion section, one that is more or less fixed, that puts the reader in front of everything he will find inside. Quite frequently routine and standard stories turn readers off. In Heraldo we considered a “Página 2” (second page) with an informative and opinion-based tone which encompasses the newspaper´s most representative stories from the Heraldo staff´s perspective. Actually, we are talking about the most-commented topics when deciding the day´s stories, and that are narrated in an original way without always using the same tools.”

"The use of monochrome, as well, emphasizes the importance of opinion over other graphic elements but always transmitting a desire to innovate and surprise. It becomes a small challenge that is overcome in the morning planning session (it is also the object of change depending on the flow of news), although always sustained by what we consider to be valid concentrating the most significant stories of the day. A short, but measured, look at a reality that has a transversal nature (local, sports, national, etc.). It is a product of journalism that, we believe, anchors the reader and also adds value to the newspaper from the start."

This is what Mikel Iturbe, the newspaper´s director, has told us about your interesting “Página 2”. Lets look at some pages:

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