Friday, May 30, 2014

Joaquín Salvador Lavado

When it was announced the 21st of May, everyone was happy to know it. Joaquín Salvador Lavado, Quino, won the award " Príncipe de Asturias de Comunicación y Humanidades" (Prince of Asturias Award of Communication and Humanities). As it was expected, some newspapers published the story with special care. For example  El Comercio, in addition to a good coverage, had a gesture to it in the front-page.

In  El País we saw two beautiful details. One from Forges and another from Sciammarella.

We also loved how Clarín published the story:

And we ere pleased to read the story in El Mundo, El Correo and El Periódico:

As it was expected, many Argentinian newspapersput the story into their front pages, as they show these ones from Tiempo and El Territorio

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nothing is like yesterday

 Maybe it has always been like this, but it is obvious that nowadays everything seems to change very quickly. And newspaper are a never ending source of pages that reflect those "new times". Trends. Some very stablished and other new ones. We see them in these pieces of news from El PeriódicoLa Voz de Galicia and El Correo.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Explaining laws

Una de las esencias del periodismo es explicar muy bien a los ciudadanos las cosas que pasan y, sobre todo, las cosas que les afectan. Por ejemplo, "destripar" una ley. Lo ha hecho en dos entregas
An important part of the essence of Journalism is to explain very well to citizens the things that happen and, above all, those things that might affect them. For example,  to "gut" a law. La Voz de Galicia has done it in two installments.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Keys and steps

We like, for their effectiveness, the ways of telling that take a step forward. They are strategies that, above all, highlight the key points from a story, from a process... We have seen three good examples in El MundoLas Provincias and 20minutos.


Monday, May 26, 2014

87 movies

There are facts that come from books, from publications that narrate local stories. In Diario de Burgos we have seen some pages that make the most of  an investigation.


Friday, May 23, 2014


No, there is no mistake in the title. +F means... "Quiero más fútbol" ("I want more soccer")

It has just been born. With more than 100.000 copies, it is the soccer magazine with the largest print run in the U.S.  It is going to be distributed with  La Opinión, from Los Ángeles, and with El Diario, from New York. These are some pages from its first "meeting" with the readers:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Much more in less space

One of the biggest advantages infographics have over text is that they allow us to give much more information in the same space. The three cases we are showing are good examples. They are from the Colombian newspaper El Espectador, from La Vanguardia and from El Periódico.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The same basis

It is not essential to innovate in order to produce "good Journalism". A good personage, a good story to narrate, a good picture and a good put into page. The same basis as always. We like this double-page from  La Verdad:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

About triples...

Good theme, excellent information... and thinking about how to put it on page. That´s the key from many opening pages from Las Provincias We have saved various "triples" to see the visual variety.

The same thing happens with this double-page from El Correo:

And with these two from Diario de Burgos

Monday, May 19, 2014

World Wars´ territories

The theme is one of those that thrills us. That´s why we liked it and why we calmly read the supplement "Territories" published by El Correo. A monograph focused on the anniversaries of the two World Wars.