Friday, May 30, 2014

Joaquín Salvador Lavado

When it was announced the 21st of May, everyone was happy to know it. Joaquín Salvador Lavado, Quino, won the award " Príncipe de Asturias de Comunicación y Humanidades" (Prince of Asturias Award of Communication and Humanities). As it was expected, some newspapers published the story with special care. For example  El Comercio, in addition to a good coverage, had a gesture to it in the front-page.

In  El País we saw two beautiful details. One from Forges and another from Sciammarella.

We also loved how Clarín published the story:

And we ere pleased to read the story in El Mundo, El Correo and El Periódico:

As it was expected, many Argentinian newspapersput the story into their front pages, as they show these ones from Tiempo and El Territorio

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