Monday, May 12, 2014

It all began with a humble note

Antonio Encinas, journalist from El Norte de Castilla and a good friend of the blog, has written to us. We copy his message: “I send some pieces of work I feel proud of for various reasons. The first reason, because it achieves the profession´s key principle of following up themes.  Another reason is that the journalists in the section, layout artist, photographers and graphic designers, have thrown themselves into the theme to present it in the most visual way possible. And as third reason, because it answers the public service mission that a newspaper must have: to bet on what is ours, to defend it and, why not, to make campaign, in this case in favor of artistic and cultural heritage.”

“It all began with a note in which it was said that the Baroque façade from the University of Valladolid had been fence in to avoid detachments. The day after (18th of May, 2013) a double-page was done to explain the problem and it was accompanied by an article of a Senior Lecturer who explained why it was a unique façade. Last year, in July, we explained how it was going to study which pathologies the façade might had. It was done by my colleague Javi Asua. In August we explained that, as the report made by the company which analyzed the monument claimed, the damage focused in the elements restored 25 years ago, and which new problems the façade had. During this time the restoration project has been done and, once concluded, has result on the last double-page about this case. The past 1st of May we narrated that the office of Cultural Heritage recommended substituting the original sculptures for replicas. Taking advantage of this, we explained which sculptures are, what they represent (the materials, the benefactor kings and —my favorite one— Wisdom defeating Ignorance), and which new actions were going to be taken. This is not going to end here, of course, but now, a year since the fence in, looking back I think this work follows the right path.” 

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