Friday, February 28, 2014

A well-accompained text

They have always existed, but maybe nowadays they seem to be more necessary than ever. And here, newspapers have a lot to contribute. We are referring to, of course, analysis. These can be done in any issue and plenty of ways of telling can be used. The too-extensive text is no longer the only way. Infographics are, of course, today the great ally of a good analysis. We are featuring a few ones from Diario de Noticias, La Voz de Galicia, El Correo, Las Provincias, La Rioja and El Diario Vasco

Thursday, February 27, 2014

a vaulting pole… and ready to fly

Renaud Lavillenie has “jumped into” the newspapers´ pages thanks to his world record at the pole vault. A record is always breaking news, but more if the record broken was from 21 years ago. And even more if the previous owner is called Sergei Bubka. In the “day after” we have seen two excellent pieces of information in the supplement V (Vocento) and in El Periódico. In both cases, the story is used to go further.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Will it stop raining?

Xan Sabarís, who has been in Diario de Pontevedra for a long time, has written to us: “This winter it´s raining a lot in Galicia, and also in Pontevendra. It was said that it was an exceptional situation, but facts weren´t given. It was only a matter of perception. The idea came from there: clarifying it with facts. Local information, facts from the city of Pontevedra. It seems to be an exceptional situation considering these past years, but not so exceptional if we take a long look back. Anyway, after working on the theme (and after seeing the graphics), one realizes that when talking about meteorology nothing is black or white."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid

When there is affection, readers notice it. The affection of a team, of the journalist for the text, or the one the designer has when expressing the information on the page. Being in a hurry is not the important thing. The essence is doing it well. These pages from El Mundo are a great example:

Monday, February 24, 2014


Last week, due to those sometimes so inhumane rules, a humble soccer player from Jaen´s team was fined with 2000€ for showing an underwear t-shirt supporting kids with cancer. We read the story in Marca. We also read the “day after” and, in its website, the start-up of a campaign to raise the money:

It wasn´t the only sports news with an excellent “day after”. We also liked the one published by El Correo when Eibar´s soccer team reached the first position in the Second Division Soccer League, and another one, more simple but well documented, from Diario de Navarra after a final score of 22-21 in a basque pelota championship match:

Friday, February 21, 2014

The newspaper which asks the most

Sin duda, en España es La Voz de Galicia. Se trata de un interesante y muy claro modo de contar las cosas. Útil en todas las secciones. Exige más al periodista, pero así se sirve mejor al lector.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Circuses without animals?

The “no” to the bullfights came first. Now, the prohibition to allow or not the presence of animals in circuses is being discussed in Catalonia. El Periódico has banked on this theme. And to bank on something means follow-up work.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stories that work

We have talked so much about the positive things series have that we will save time and won´t repeat them. These days we are following two published in the sports section from La Verdad and from Diario de Navarra. Both are weekly.

Paco Lastra has told us some of the key points from the first one: “La Verdad celebrated last year its 110th anniversary and we published a page each day reminding readers about those stories which were breaking-news that day. It was “everything goes”: events, politics, sports, culture… I was in charge of it and I soon realized that memories, the good or the bad ones, leave their mark. And that wasn´t the only thing: mutual understanding with readers grew so much that I started receiving suggestions in my email. Lots of them started with “Do you remember that…?”, and this gave me the name for a series that I started as soon as the one for the 110th anniversary was finished. It´s weekly (published each Monday) and I have focused it on sports, a section that I am responsible for editing. The story gets repeated and readers are already sending their own ideas.”

The one from Navarre´s newspaper is published each Friday and it´s focused on extreme sports:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rubianes will have his own street

El Periódico has “specialized” in championing citizens´ themes. As well as being directly linked to their readers, they boost the integration between paper and website. These days we have followed one of those championed topics: the petition for a street in Barcelona with the name of the actor Pepe Rubianes, who passed away five years ago.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting closer to Malofiej

The 22nd Infographic World Summit is getting closer. It will be held in our beloved FCOM (School of Communication) between the 26th and the 28th of March. As an appetizer, today, we are featuring some recent graphics we have seen in Spanish newspapers. They are from ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico and El Correo