Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Stories that work

We have talked so much about the positive things series have that we will save time and won´t repeat them. These days we are following two published in the sports section from La Verdad and from Diario de Navarra. Both are weekly.

Paco Lastra has told us some of the key points from the first one: “La Verdad celebrated last year its 110th anniversary and we published a page each day reminding readers about those stories which were breaking-news that day. It was “everything goes”: events, politics, sports, culture… I was in charge of it and I soon realized that memories, the good or the bad ones, leave their mark. And that wasn´t the only thing: mutual understanding with readers grew so much that I started receiving suggestions in my email. Lots of them started with “Do you remember that…?”, and this gave me the name for a series that I started as soon as the one for the 110th anniversary was finished. It´s weekly (published each Monday) and I have focused it on sports, a section that I am responsible for editing. The story gets repeated and readers are already sending their own ideas.”

The one from Navarre´s newspaper is published each Friday and it´s focused on extreme sports:

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