Thursday, April 24, 2014

A hundred years of war

The fourth supplement from the third year journalism students of the FCOM faculty is presented by Celia Erice, its editor: “One hundred years ago, the world lived one of the bloodiest conflicts for mankind.  A war of an unthinkable magnitude, that wasn´t expected and that lasted four long years. A war where humans, that possessed great technology advantages, were witnesses to their own moral and human set-back. This supplement is a result of that war, the one that marked a milestone. Because of the centenary of the onset of the First World War, these 34 pages go deep into the 20th century world of war.”

A hundred years of war is an itinerary though the wars, the history, the weapons, the uniforms, the songs, the posters, the movies and the scenery of the different war-related confrontations of the last century. A supplement that brings us closer to the reality, sometimes so distant and misunderstood, of the war and its soldiers. A supplement that makes us feel directly what it means to live through a military conflict. A supplement in which  interviews show the most human face of war and in which, after having read and researched, it has attempted to go beyond and think about how a Third World War could develop. Because the human being is the only animal who stumbles over the same stone twice. Or three times”.

The students that have developed this supplement are Celia Erice (editor), Carmen Alba, Miguel Echavarri, Sara Escalante, Andrea García, María Luisa Guerrero, Sara Huarte, Maialen Mangas, Paula Napal, Irene Pagalday, Laura Rodríguez and Naiara Salas.

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