Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Third supplement from the third year journalism students from FCOM. Its editor, Kristína Votrubová, presents it: “Pamplona is a small city and many people think that there are few cultural, artistic, opportunities. PamplonizArte tries to show the opposite, it not only tries to discover the Art that is made in Pamplona, but also the Art of the city that influences the artists´ works. The pages are full of in-depth interviews, reports, articles… Every page tries to communicate a part of Pamplona´s soul. Personalities like the photojournalist Fernando Múgica, the poet Gabriel Insausti or the graffiti artist “Great”, talk about their experience and their vision of the city.”

The students who have developed this supplement are  Kristína Votrubová (editor), María Alejandra Biojó Fajardo, Andrea Cano Botero, Raminie Guiritán Acut, Ángela Irañeta Iglesias, Montserrat Julián Cabeza, Marta López Sánchez, Juliana Martínez Martínez, María del Rocío Melgosa Hervás, Laura Quesada Iturmendi, Blanca Quintanilla Pérez, Anne Radjassamy and Ana María Valencia Ruiz.

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