Friday, April 25, 2014

Made in China

Fifth supplement from our third year Journalism students, produced in the “Newspapers´ Editing” subject from FCOM. Ana Escauriaza, its editor, presents it to us: “When thinking about China a lot of clichés come to our mind: from the Confucius movement to communism, the millions of inhabitants or their impossible language.  Something that seems so distant and far away from our daily routine but that, every day is becoming more and more part of our lives: it´s easy to locate the closest dollar store, we all have a friend who likes Chinese food and we are all probably wearing something that was made in China

“This was the phenomenon that inspired our supplement. And in this way China became a challenge: we wanted to know what the Chinese community is really like; to find an answer to all the questions about their lifestyle; the differences between first and second generations; the economy or politics; the customs or their philosophy of life. Through it all, we wanted to bring that third-floor neighbor, the Chinese man from the dollar store, or the one from  García´s bar closer to Pamplona´s citizens. What they think, how they live, what they do. What their past was like, how their country is. We talk about China in the world and about the Chinese in Pamplona”.

The students who have developed this supplement are Ana Escauriaza Escudero (editor), María Olábarri Candela, Iñaki Aguirre Pérez, Rocío del Prado Montoto, Carmen Camey Marroquín, Esther Rodríguez-Losada Torres, Sofía Brotóns Arnau, Diego Prego Salvador, Anna Vila Pijoan, Carolina Villegas Galaviz, Iñaki Sevillano Aramendia, Nerea Zaballa Ureta and Luis Santaemilia Legarre.

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