Monday, April 21, 2014

R three cubed

More or less around this time of year, every year, we show in this blog the supplements made by the third year journalism students from FCOM. We don´t do it because they are our students. We publish them here because, above all, they are high-quality works. We´ll begin with R three cubed:

Its editor, Beatriz Díaz, Castellano, gives us some key points:

“It´s a supplement which talks about garbage. We wanted to show a reality that isn´t very noticeable: the trash produced by our activity. If there are people that haven´t thought about it, we want them to. We expect them to ask themselves: What happens with my trash after I close the dumpster?, Where should I leave what is no longer useful to me?, What should I do to respect the environment more?, Why does some waste need special treatment?, What alternatives to disproportionate consumption do we have?, Can trash be used for more than recycling? And, of course, we have tried to answer to all of them”.

“This supplement focuses on three aspects: recycling, remains and re-use. The spotlight is specially Navarre. The topics try to be close to citizens, we have chosen an on-the-street journalism. Even though issues related to environment and recycling are at their peak, in general, they aren´t felt as a priority for most of society here.”

“Throughout these 44 pages we bet on investigative journalism, the kind that goes across kilometers, searching for the truth and one of quality. For all of it, we have launched a message: the bottle that contains it can be thrown away and its message simply forgotten or it can be recycled so new generations can continue thinking about it. We can admit there is a crisis in Journalism and not do anything about it, or we can try to renew ourselves and bring to light those realities people aren´t used to reading about because we aren´t  bringing them closer to readers. The members of this team chose the second option”. 

The students who have made this supplement are Beatriz Díaz (editor) María Arbeloa, Marc Cía, Mikel Garralda, María Scherezade Garrido, David Gómez, Dan Emilio González, Andoni Irisarri, Iván Pastor, Aitor Plaza, Carlos Romeo and  María Jesús Ruiz.

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