Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Today we are showing another supplement made by the third year students from FCOM. Its editor, Carlos Corrales, presents it to us: “With Eurón we have aimed, as journalists and as citizens, to put ourselves in the shoes of all those who don´t know why they should, or should not, introduce a ballot in the ballot box the next 25th of May. They might see Europe as something distant which doesn´t affect them pretty much."

“With this supplement we have tried to highlight the importance that the elections to the European Parliament have, above all because it is the only institution from the European Union elected directly by its citizens. That was our objective. Our challenge was to take a strong theme and, as journalists, bring it closer, explain it to citizens without falling into propaganda.”

The students who have developed this supplement are Carlos Corrales, editor, Ignasi Benguría Roca, Jonás Bravo Yepez, Blanca Calvo Arro, Elena Iriarte Galar, Natalia Izu Zabalza, Andrés Juárez Chang, Alicia Labrador Gallego, Pedro Mimbrero Catalán and  Mónica Pérez Palacio.

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